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Years ago, I would daydream about things that I wished would happen. Once I told one of these fantasies to my friend, Cindy:

I wish I could be interviewed for a radio show.

Before I continue this story, I should tell you that Cindy is one of the most successful, goal-setting and goal reaching people I know. She has created and sold a business, directed and produced a film on the film festival circuit, started two non-profits and bought two houses. Are you getting the idea?

Cindy gave me a funny look as if I was truly an odd person. She was about to share with me one of my most powerful lessons that year. I think she was shocked that I didn’t already know it. She said, “Why don’t you change the word ‘fantasy’ and use the world ‘goal’ instead? Then figure out what actions will bring you to that goal?”

Is it as easy as that? Well, yes. And no.

Cindy’s suggestion that rather than just hope a radio segment producer would randomly think to contact me that I could proactively contact that person myself scared me. It challenged how I thought of myself. At the time, I didn’t see myself as “big enough” for such a glamorous opportunity. So what I discovered about myself is that daydreams and fantasies were a way to soothe myself. I was able to stay in the comfort of a smaller life without risking, growing and changing.

Do you ever find yourself daydreaming about longed for experiences without taking action? You’re not alone. Stay tuned, we’re going to talk more on this subject.

About being a radio show guest – yes, I finally did it! The interview is about being a  “Power Presenter” and here’s a link.