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Did you know that according to one study, if you write a goal down, you’re 60% more apt to achieve it? You did if you read last week’s blog.  Here’s the recap:

Writing goals can be a powerful way to create the life and career you want. The BEST format helps you think through and phrase your goals in the most empowering way possible. BEST stands for:





In today’s blog, we’ll focus on the E. Energizing.

When you think about achieving your stated goal, are you excited? Do you feel energized by it? If so, your goal has passed the Energizing Test.

Some people write goals for themselves that they don’t really want to achieve. Writing a goal and not being excited about it is usually the result of trying to want something that someone else wants you to want. It’s trying to be someone your not. Or in the simplest terms: people pleasing.

Let’s face it, goal setting usually means changing habits and trying new behaviors. It can be challenging so it better be worth it to you. That’s why it’s key to make sure your goals are energizing. 

Next week, we’ll discuss the “S” in BEST. Are you psyched?

Happiness is achieving a meaningful goal.

Happiness is achieving a meaningful goal.