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At a seminar I attended, the presenter asked the group to write all of our Shoulds on a page. My list began quite easily… 

I should blog more

I should eat more cruciferous vegetables

I should get more cardio 

The whole group was scribbling like fiends until the presenter stopped us to ask, “SAYS WHO?” 

I knew at that moment that I had been quietly tyrannized for years with the constant pressure of Should. I realized that Should is a nagging energy suck, and I wanted to be free. 

The presenter recommended Could. Could is empowering. Could is a word that offers possibility and choice. Like this: 

“I could get more cardio if I wanted to; if I decided it was worth my time; if the result of that felt important to me.” 

What would the world be like if everyone made decisions without the guilt and shame of Should. I’d like to know. 


Will you try this with me? Pay attention if you or anyone around you uses the word Should. In your mind, replace it with Could and see how you like it.

 I’d love to hear how it goes.

 Good Stuff!

Letting go of my Shoulds means taking time for acting and writing. I’m proud to announce I’m in a show next week! It’s called “Tasty Words” and you’re invited. Here’s a link for details.

If you want to learn more about the “tyranny of the should,” here’s a helpful article posted by Psychology Today.

That’s your note for the month!

Jean Open-to-the-Freedom-of-Could Franzblau