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Whoops! I wrote this and just now posted it. Enjoy!


I flew to Charlottesville, Virginia with a long stretch of vacation in front of me. There would time to sleep in, visit, eat well and do holiday activities. I soaked in the luxury of this schedule for about three days until restlessness set in. I found myself having anxiety dreams about my day-to-day life and feeling a need to check my work email. 

When a hectic balancing act is the daily status quo, it can be hard to release it all. For me, I worry that if I let go completely, I won’t want to return. That’s why I find that a vacation feels “safest” when I keep a part of my mind in the game. 

I’ve decided to do what feels right for me – to be patient with myself as I adjust to a different pace. I’m writing to you from a cozy bed and breakfast. Outside my window is a trickling river, blue skies and snow. In my belly is a homemade omelet, fresh baked bread and cherry jam. Later I’ll take a brisk winter walk, but for now, my laptop is open, I’m typing away and absolutely happy. 

What about you? Is anyone else out there sheepishly checking on their work life from afar? Let me know what you think and how you are. 

In the meanwhile, may you be merry and warm. 

Jean Doing-Her-Vacation-Her-Way Franzblau

Blgging from bed

Blogging from bed