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This note is about keeping a cool head during the trickiest financial month of the year. There can be a lot of pressure to close one’s
eyes, dive into the fizzy, spending frenzy and emerge with a fiscal hangover come January. With a bit of planning – even just a few days from December – we can bring ourselves the pleasure of a more peaceful, centered holiday.

Consider a quick spending plan for the month. Here’s how:

  1. Take note of all the usual expenses – food, gas, utilities, etc.
  2. Add in those special holiday costs such as gifts, cards, postage
    and travel
  3. Whip out a calculator and see what the numbers have to say

When I do this, I ask myself, “Is my spending and earning in balance?” If not, it’s time to make some adjustments. Can I earn more? Can I spend less? How can I get creative to make this month work?

What are your tips for holiday solvency and serenity? I’d love to hear them and would be happy to share them.