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“How are you going?” I said to the ticket agent as I prepared to get on the plane back to LA. I’ve become good at greeting people the Aussie way instead of “How are you doing?”

“I’ll miss saying that” I told her as a misty, sad feeling came over me.

Sitting at a coveted window seat, my seat mate and I got to talking. It turns out he is a deep sea welder. He goes where the sharks are such a hazard that a special anti-shark weapon is necessary. Apparently the sharks start off “getting friendly.” They’ll get close and then eventually rub up against you. The next step would be to “take a taste” and this is where said weapon comes into play.

The deep sea diving Aussie hasn’t much more to say for the duration of the flight. I think I was being one of those chatty people on a flight that you hear about. I took the hint, watched my movie and caught an impressed glimpse of some burn scars on his arms and neck. A real live deep sea welder, right there in the seat next to me!

Underwater welder