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With St. Patty’s Day around the bend, luck is a timely topic. James Cameron who directed Avatar had this to say about it: You make your own.

I’ve been testing this out. I realized last month that I wanted to come back to my roots as an actress and deliver more training on camera. I announced it to my Master Mind group and began telling everyone I came into contact with. I started calling agents to see if my mix of talents would be useful for them.

Within two weeks, my friend Barbara called me “from out of the blue.” I put “from out of the blue” in quotes because you may already know where this story is going. She connected me to a client of hers seeking a seminar with elements to be delivered on camera. A perfect match.

Did I create my own luck?

I don’t understand the science of it. I do believe that there’s a connection between all the hustle, bustle and positive energy I put out and my finding this client as if from the blue.

Are you feeling lucky this year? Can I help you generate some hustle, bustle and positive energy?

Happy Green Guinness Day Everyone!

Happy Green Guinness Day everyone!


 Where in the World is Jean? 

I’m starting March in Carlsbad, CA then heading off to give Administrative Assistant training on a Naval base in Puget Sound. Later in the month, you can find me in Oakland, CA teaching teamwork strategies.

Where in the world is life bringing you in March?


Huge goings on at the shipyard!

Rave Reads 

As a newer business owner, I used to get overwhelmed with marketing and sales. I swear by the amazing advice I got in Get Clients Now by C.J. Hayden. I’ve done her 28 day program a bunch of times and give it a huge thumbs up.


Coaching Corner

Dear Jean,

There’s someone at work (no names!) that I’m beginning to despise. He interrupts me during every meeting we attend together. I never get my ideas heard, and I’m sick of it.



Dear Furious,

That sounds tough. Have you had a one-on-one conversation with him about it? If not, I think this is a big opportunity. Maybe you’ve heard that wise saying We Teach People How to Treat Us. This is your chance to explain to your colleague what is and isn’t okay with you at your meetings.

What would resolve the situation for you? Would it be that he let you complete your ideas without interruption? If that’s the case, I recommend that you ask him for just that. You may want to write down what you’d like to say ahead of time. Some people I coach read their “script” out loud or to a supportive friend to practice. Practicing challenging conversations can help assure that you make your request clearly, respectfully and professionally.

If I’m on the right track, and you’d like to try this, will you let me know how it goes?